What's Important About Human Evolution

Human evolution is something that has to do with everyone in some way. It studies the development of cognition and motor skills in humans over a long period of time, which can give us insight to how our minds and bodies function today. It also gives us insight into our anatomy and why it is the way it is. It can also help us figure out appropriate methods for curing sickness and disease by understanding the history of that disease in humans and where it's origin may come from. One example would be HIV., which has its origin in another disease known as simian immunodeficiency virus that's about 10 million years old. The intermediate virus between HIV and SIV is called SIVcpz that originated in chimpanzees and eventually jumped to humans as HIV. By studying how HIV evolved to be able to adapt in humans we can understand it and find ways to treat it better. Not to mention that studying human evolution is just interesting, many people out there would like to learn about their origin because it's interesting to think about and what it would've been like to exist as our ancestors. There are many reasons to study human evolution from a psychological standpoint, to a medical standpoint or even a cultural standpoint. I do believe that research into human evolution deserves more federal funding and I hope one day in the near future that can happen.


  1. nice. I wonder how we could be even more clear here. The HIV example works well so maybe adding something about how this then leads to studying global pandemics and using examples from bioarch (like the Black Death) could help make clear how anthropology helps to understand the contemporary world? What if we can show it isn't just Ivory Tower pursuit to understand evolution but something that matters to humans today in terms of global diversity and variation? Nice job here!


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